Here it is. My crowning glory.
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do. If you didn't, I don't even know why we're friends.
Hey TILTE- Why the fuck did you take hot pink capris when you went backpacking in Europe???
Email me at!!
PS: I'm hungry.
In Other Nonsense...
I did a little updating and added some new features on my blog. Feel free to give me a "Digg" or "Like" on any entries that catch your eye. And don't be discouraged by the fact that all your friends will know what kind of mindless drivel you like reading. They're probably into stuff that's way more embarrassing anyway (I'm looking at you, people-who-watch-The-Tyra-Banks-show).
If this doesn't win him over, I don't know what will. (Ben- if you're reading this, we're still cool, right...?)"My name's TILTE and we were friends once, remember? I know we had our ups and downs, but I say let bygones be bygones and let's start this party train over again, shall we?
We can totally forget about that time I commented
"La-la-la-LIKE" on our friendship status. That was sofa king lame.
Roll out pizza dough to desired size, pinching edges to create crust. Use a fork to stab the hell outta the dough.
Bake at 425 for 9 minutes, or however long you feel like.
Chop fruit.
While crust is cooling, combine cream cheese and powdered sugar with electric mixer. In a separate cup, combine almond extract and milk. Add to cream cheese. (Helpful Hint: If you have kids, tell them this is frosting for your giant "Fruit Cookie".)
(Click photo to enlarge because I'm no HTML wizard and I don't know how to make this shit bigger.)
They say you can tell a lot about a person based on their writing. Anyone with a legit* Penmanship Reading degree, feel free to tell me all about myself. -And skip the obvious stuff, like how I'm super beautiful and lactose intolerant.
*actually, it doesn't matter how legit your Penmanship Reading degree is, I'll take whatever you can give me
In Other Nonsense...
I'm thinking of doing my first vlog! I'm really excited and hopefully you guys will help me out by flooding my inbox with questions for me to answer. It can be a serious question or a silly question or a whatever question. Just send it to over the next few weeks. Depending on how well the questioning goes, I'll post it around March 1st. If nobody sends me anything, we'll pretend this paragraph never happened.
Except I prefer they not be ratty and beat up like my pair above. Um. I'm not sure if you can tell by my quality pic or what, but they're old as hell. And I wear them, like, everyday. I saw a brown pair of Sperry Topsiders at The Rack the other day, and although I'd really prefer the blue pair, saving myself $25 (plus shipping) is totally how I roll. Fingers crossed I get drunk enough this weekend to not care about spending money.
2. Red/ White/ Blue Stripes. I love striped clothing, especially in those colors. If it makes me feel like a wealthy, nautical, yacht-owning person and/or a French mime, I NEED IT. Important Note: NOT to be confused with American flag themed attire.
4. My New Tattoo. Okay, so here's the story with the tattoo. The first gift Boyfriend ever gave me was a little keychain character called Poop Dog. I fell in love instantly and it's actually one of the reasons why I think Boyfriend is so great.
It didn't take long for us to decide what we wanted... I know, I love it too! We're.So.Bad.Ass.
5. Mark Ronson's Bang Bang Bang. I've been obsessed with this song since I first heard it last summer and my love for it still hasn't waned in the slightest.
Mark Ronson and the Business Intl - Bang Bang Bang on MUZU.
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