Since everyone* has been begging to see what's in my kitchen, I finally decided to cave to the masses and share my dietary secrets.
Behold... The stuff we eat.

This is my fridge on any given day. As you can see, we like cocktails and yogurt products. You can't see it, but I actually do have a couple of vegetables in the bins. Broccoli and a bell pepper, to be exact. I'll admit this pic kinda does look sad, but I seriously just went to the grocery store this morning. It must be because I'm such a light eater.

All the important condiments. Like butter. And whipped cream.

This is where I keep my more treasured items, like Uncrustables, fish sticks and vodka.

And the
piece du resistance, the place where all the magic happens- The Snack Cupboard. This is a favorite stop mainly due to the Sour Cream and Onion Pringles (MY FAVORITE-
Are you listening Pringles company???), Handi-Snacks, and Pistachios.
What's in your kitchen?? Post and let's link up!
*no one
I was hoping for a vlog.
Tours need video. True story.
You're brave to post photos of your fridge! Mine is so gross and falling apart...
Welcome to the refrigerator, we got booze and food.
My obsession for the last year has been sour cream & onion pringles. It was an old obsession that returned...I'm not sad about it!
I'm all over this one. It may have to be in vlog form. I'll get on it tomorrow.
Pabst and whipped cream. You've got everything you need.
JERROD - my vlogs are already damaging enough to the self esteem. i gotta limit myself, otherwise i'd be video diary-ing my life. did i mention i've been drinking?
TSARITSA - luckily, our fridge is in good condition. the only thing i had to worry about was the stray dog hair. gross, but true.
MRANTHROPE - all the essentials, really. without booze and butter, i'd be nothing. well, not actually "nothing", i'd probably be a lot thinner. but i'll save that story for some other time.
CHRYSTAL - me too!!! i can't stop! EVERYDAY i have them with my lunch. i'm like a freaky sour cream & onion addict.
WOMBAT - yes!!!! do it!! i guess i could have done the vlog thing, but i feel like i need to psych myself up for that level of interaction, and i was just not prepared for it today.
MONKEY - exactly. both items scream "party", which is usually the motto i like to love by. well, that and "naptime".
um... did i say "love"? bc i meant "live". but i guess love is funnier.
Tweet the thing about the Pringles. Just sayin' :O) using the # and company
I could live on chips. lol
These uncrustable things sure are popular...
My kitchen = my mom's kitchen = pots in the over and shitton of pantry and canned goods and lots of leftovers in the fridge.
If I could get away with randomly snapping pics and not being looked at like a three headed alien, I totally would.
seriously, it's so lame in there you'd think i was suffering from anorexia. but i'm not.
Your kitchen has so much more shit in it than mine, i'm a little jealous!
Also high five on the vodka!
SHEILA - thanks for the advice! i'm totally going to try it!
LORRAINE - have you never tried an Uncrustable?? OMG.
SIMONE - lol- i like that. do you mostly get takeout?
ROSE - thanks! it's totally cheapo vodko though. nothing to write home about. :)
our fridge is empty but our pantry is PACKED!!!
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