This weekend, we kicked off the beginning of summer by inviting a few friends over to enjoy the finer things in life (swimming pool and Rock Band).
Despite it seeming like it was 1,000 degrees, it was actually just perfect for taking a dip.

Biscuit and Kosmo made a special guest appearance, Kanye West style, when jBusch accidentally let them out of the laundry room. They cleaned up all the dropped Ruffles and were quickly escorted back to the house.

Biscuit and Kosmo made a special guest appearance, Kanye West style, when jBusch accidentally let them out of the laundry room. They cleaned up all the dropped Ruffles and were quickly escorted back to the house.
My eyeballs got sunburnt.
Keith barbequed burgers and hot dogs and I made my party staples, onion dip and margaritas. We also served Peroni* because Justin is Italian and we like to make our guests feel at home.
Melissa brought cupcakes from SusieCakes. I had half of a coconut one and it was gooood. The frosting was heavy and sugary and instantly gave me cavities on teeth #28 and #29. (I worked in a dental office for 2.5 years. Don't test my teeth numbering skillz.)

We downloaded new songs for Rock Band and I was extra pumped to get my rage on. I strongly suggest downloading:
Electric Six - Gay Bar (This is not the actual video. Instead, I linked you to Joel Veitch's viking kitty/ angel puppy version. SoKute!)
X - Los Angeles (Let's get down to rock bizniz, here.)
Hot Hot Heat - Bandages (This song always reminds me of the summer I spent at Hueneme Beach with Kim. We were so young... and cute... and tan... and in shape...) On a non-related note, the lead singer of Hot Hot Heat is so ugly he makes my eyeballs jump out of my skull and run in front of a speeding car.)
White Stripes - Fell in Love with a Girl (This song always makes me want to RAAAAAAAGE. While maintaining my cuteness, of course.)
Justin and Nate ripping some vocals (Nate is doing his best Alfred Hitchcock impression).
Keith on drumz. NOT.Confident.

If anyone is considering starting up a band, I'm totally ready. I have luggage and I'm willing to tour. Just let me know the dates, so I can put in a request at work.
*Not to be confused with Pup-peroni
Sounds like you had a great weekend! Friends and a pool - can't beat that! And btw I can't dive either!
OMG those cupcakes. I think I got a cavity just looking at them.
I think I need a cig.
G-d, which one to make my profile pic? This is the best blog I ever read because it is accurate and it involves me.
Rock Band!
I am the singer. I suck at all the other stuff.
I'll be in your band. We can call it Summer Porsche.
mrs c- did your mom used to make you take swimming lessons every summer too? it was torture. i'm getting a bowel movement just thinking about it.
ash- i like that you need a cig after looking at my cakes.
justin- this is also the only blog you ever read. but i will still accept that it is the best.
deborah- singing is my second best, and eventhough i rock out with my frock out and scored 100's everytime, my voice can still shatter glass (and dreams).
danielle- i already have a name for my band. it's called Crying at the Plantation.
oh I need a cupcake! I'm gonna need to play Rock Band with you because I too shred on the drums!
i thought u were already in a band???
chrystal- you will have to come over so we can eat cupcakes, drum our brains out, then take a nap. that's usually what i mean when i say i'm gonna "raaaaaaage".
michael- where did you find that clip of me?!?!?! ps: i hate you.
When we play Rock Band with my friends they always insist I'm the singer. I'm convinced that they're all making fun of me the next day behind my back, or that they have a secret camera hidden somewhere in the room.
I love your sailor top. Give it to me.
erin- thanks for commenting. you can have the sailor top.
over my dead body.
Wait, can your eyeballs get sunburnt?
also, jealous of the pool
Oh I hate hate hated the diving board in swim class. The swim instructor couldn't convince me to dive all summer long when I was six. The last class my mom had to bribe me with a Barbie (though I didn't actually jump, I walked to the end of the diving board, sat on the very edge and scooted off. Traumatic.)
Ok, is that your pool, for reals? Because if it is now I definitely feel like white trash for posting about my blow up pool today!
What do I have to do to get me one of those cement ponds like you have?
rose- i'm pretty sure your eyeballs can get burnt. they were watering and hot lava on-fire all of sunday.
jamie- YES. that was my situation exactly. except i wasn't six, i was 12. but the barbie bait still worked on me. (what. i was naive, ok.)
RN- don't be fooled by the rocks that i got. if you had seen this pool 2 weeks ago, you would have thought we lived in the swamplands. but now that it's clean, these here cement ponds are real fancylike!
This is like the perfect day. Reading about days like these make me homesick. They don't know how to do days like these in France.
Some friends, margaritas, and onion dip, that's all I need!
sara- thanks for visiting! especially all the way from France!! Je suis impressionné (with myself, of course).
at the VERY least, you have crepes, kinderbuenos, and freeeeeesh croissants at your fingertips. :::drool::: plus, you're only a train ride away from the UK. that's kinda like being at home, only more civilized and twice the price.
can i come over and swin in your pool? It looks like so much fun! All i have is a plastic one i bought at kmart.:(
i love how these photos look vintage - is this some sort of mac thing, i remember seeing someone post about it on their vintage blog, but i forget. dude, i'd so want to swim in that pool and those cupcakes. my ideal perfect day. sunny day in the pool and cupcakes!
becks- a plastic kmart pool is pretty much the same thing if you're not planning on doing any olympic style laps.
ally- thanks for joining! it's the camerabag app on my iphone. TOTALLY worth the $1.99. i pretty much use it on every pic because the fuzziness/ color distortion always makes me look 10x better.
my fav part of your comment: you said you want to swim in my pool and cupcakes. <3
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