
Extraordinary Desserts.

If you're anywhere in the greater San Diego area, and you have a sweet tooth, it is worth your while to find Extraordinary Desserts. Earlier this month, I was in San Diego and my friend Michael (who knows I like to eat) took me to this place. He has a friend who works there, so he has an "in" when it comes to fancy feasts. Since we were just stopping in for a mid-morning snack, we decided to share a pot of tea and a dessert. Michael advised we get the Birthday Cake tea ("Reminiscent of a warm out-of-the-oven cookie with strong caramel...
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The Red Door Restaurant and Wine Bar.

On my last visit to San Diego, Morgan arranged a dinner for a group of BlogHer attendees. Somehow, I lucked out and made it into the group. We took a couple of cabs from the downtown Marriot and about ten minutes later we arrived at The Red Door Restaurant and Wine Bar. When the first half of our 11-person reservation arrived, the waitstaff was a little confused. When the second half of our reservation arrived, the waitstaff was a little frantic. From what I could tell, it seemed like maybe someone forgot to make a note in the RSVP...
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The Latest with Me.

I feel like I've been phoning in my recent blog entries. Which is unfortunate because I'm always getting ideas for topics throughout the day or taking pictures of things I want to share. But when it comes down to getting it out on paper (see: keyboard), I just haven't been able to do it. So, I'm going to try to update you on what I've been up to lately. In bullet-point format, of course. -After BlogHer, I came back with millions of tidbits I wanted to share. I met some VERY cool people, experienced a summer-camp-like whirlwind vacation, and had somewhere near 100 pix to prove it. By the time I was able to get my thoughts...
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Double Trouble at Sprocket Ink.

Hello friends! Today I posted TWO articles at Sprocket Ink. Make sure to check them out. (And comment/ Like/ Tweet/ Stumble as you see appropriate. Thanks!!) Paula Deen vs. Anthony Bourdain: Who's team are you on?? No really... who's side are you on...? A Review of (locally made) Indie Film: Bellflower A must-see film....
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Santa Barbara.

The weather was beautiful this weekend, so Boyfriend and I decided to go up to Santa Barbara for the day on Saturday. This post is going to be picture heavy because it's basically a visual recap of our day in SB. Starting the day off on a walk at the beach. One of three weddings we saw getting set-up. I tweeted this pic saying I was at the Kardashian wedding. FYI: Nobody believed me. Sunny, perfect weather. Lots of palm trees. A path down to the water. Lots of families riding rental bikes. Probably tourists. I'm pretty sure...
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My Acting Credits.

I have nothing to share on the food front. Instead, I'm going to tell you about my short-lived career in the show biz industry. When I was in high school, I got really into the whole acting thing. And by "really into the whole acting thing", I mean I had mega crushes on famous dudes and was sure that acting was my ticket to stardom. Even though my family was dirt poor, my mom managed to save up enough scrilla to get me in acting classes. I started off with a weekly children's acting class taught by a former "stage dad". I don't know...
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Green Beans with Bacon.

I'm sure you all will agree with me when I say that pretty much everything tastes better with bacon. Which is why Boyfriend decided to try out this recipe for green beans with bacon. Only he kind of made it his own by omitting half of the ingredients. We work with what we have, okay. Our Version of Green Beans with Smoked Bacon INGREDIENTS: -Green beans -Bacon, cut into half inch pieces -Olive oil -Salt DIRECTIONS: If you've never made green beans before, let me tell you, they're pretty foolproof. Just rinse, snip the ends off, and...
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BlogHer Part II

As many of you know, BlogHer was this past weekend and I was lucky enough to experience it. If you don't know what BlogHer is (and clearly didn't see my last vlog post), it's a big convention for women bloggers. This year it was held in San Diego and over 3,600 bloggers attended. Since there's TONS of material to cover, I'm going to *try* to make this as cohesive as possible. However, I'm totally aware that this post may just end up being an endless pit of pointless rambling. Thankfully, I have low standards and that's pretty much...
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Here's a little video I just whipped up. It's about BlogHer.Check it out and let me know what you think. (Since I can't preview the video before posting, I'm not sure if it's going to be all glitchy and possessed looking. If so, I'm blaming it on Blogger.)Also- Are you going to BlogHer???For more BlogHer intro videos, visit the blogs below.Musings of a MadwomanThe Sweete...
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Velveeta Cheesy Skillets.

The other day we were at the grocery store and something caught my eye: Velveeta Cheesy Skillets. I'd never tried one of these before, but the image on the cover sold me. Plus, they were on sale for like $5 at Vons.This dinner kit includes: Pasta, Velveeta cheese sauce, salsa mix, and spices. All you need to add is water and 1lb. of ground beef. And if you want to make it fancy, just top with crunched up tortilla chips.So we followed the directions. And added tortilla chips because we were feeling especially chefy. And guess what....
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