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Welcome to Things I Like to Eat (...and Other Nonsense)! This is where all the magic happens. And by "magic", I mean things that really aren't magical at all.

My name is Sasha and I've been blogging since 2010. Originally, this blog started out all about food. Hence the title. Unfortunately, it didn't take long to realize that I have neither the money to eat at restaurants all the time, nor the time to try new recipes everyday.

These days, my posts run the gamut from newly discovered favorite recipes, to embarrassing stories about my dog, to my experiences with butt surgery, to things I hate about Facebook

Here are the stars of the show...

Born and raised in southern California, I work as a copywriter (feel free to contact me with work inquiries). Spent the past few years going from doctor to doctor in the hopes of diagnosing a "mystery" medical condition. Discovered I have endometriosis and that it was quickly destroying my insides. I underwent a huge and important surgery last summer and I take the opportunity to brag about my bravery every chance I get. The aftermath of my condition has left me with the real possibility that I may not ever have a child of my own, and every now and then you'll see a complainer post about my struggles sneak onto the blog. 

I love trying new recipes. Especially ones that involve butter and cheese. And I LOVE desserts. Just not ones that involve chocolate. I don't like chocolate.

Eric is my fiance. He's into rock music, IPAs, watching cartoons with Pearl, and (most importantly) trying new recipes with me. He's an awesome partner in the kitchen and an even better partner in "real life".

Pearl is Eric's daughter. She loves "fashion", having her nails painted, dancing to salsa music, and pretending to be a vampire. She's always eager to assist in the kitchen. (Hopefully that eagerness will break her picky-eating spirit.) She can usually be found watching Adventure Time or practicing her Wii bowling moves.

Biscuit is my wonderpup who was rescued from the mean streets of Bakersfield. She loves surprising small children by licking food off their faces, as well as making a fool out of me on walks. Available for appearances with advanced notice.

This is my life.

Feel free to leave comments on any blog posts you see on this site. Differing opinions are always welcomed! Rude and/or crude comments are not.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I always thought your name was Tilte.

  2. I totally did, too. Funneh, I was just thinking tonight that I'm tired of having two identities, and I should just get over myself and go by my real name.

  3. Tilte has a real name! Love the new blog look and the About section!


    Jk jk jk jk, love this section and your new blog look!
