
Random Stuff.

There are a few things I wanted to cover in my next blog entry, but since none of them are related, I'm just going to throw them all together and acknowlege that there's no cohesive theme here.

1. The Saturday after my birthday was when I received my gift from Boyfriend. He booked a spa day for me (drooooool) with my favorite esthetician-slash-massage lady. It was exactly what I had been hoping and dreaming and wishing for. So much, in fact, that I had even been begging a former spouse of mine for my birthday last year, but he wouldn't get it for me. As you can imagine, I was pretty fucking excited about my spa day since I'd only been looking forward to it for the past 18 months.

I've been going to this particular spa woman for about ten years now and she never fails to deliver the goods. After every visit, I end up walking out feeling like a rubbery pile of relaxation. If you're in the Ventura County area and feel like treating yourself, give her a call. You won't be disappointed.

Denise Rincon Skin Care

Here a few shots of her studio:

2. This is officially my first blog birthday. I started this mofo the weekend after my 30th birthday when I realized a) I like to eat a lot, and b) I'm not doing shit with my life, maybe I'll start a blog. One year later and I'm on my 100th post. It's like magic the way that worked out. Also magic? I have 122 readers. Now, I know 122 readers in a 12-month time span is nothing to call Guinness over, but I'm still impressed with myself. I'm super grateful for each and every one of you who take the time out of your busy days to read this booshet. This blog has turned into a huge part of my life and I really feel like you guys read because you're genuinely interested. (And if you're not, that's fine with me too because I'm shameless like that.)

If you like my blog, feel free to tell all your friends about it. AND feel free to join my Facebook group (pleasepleaseplease) if you haven't already. I can't guarantee trumpets and fanfare, but I can promise updates on all of my posts, including ones on Sprocket Ink. And probably also random photos of shit I eat that don't make it to the blog.

3. I'm going to be in a wedding tomorrow. My good friend Kim who I've known since junior high is getting married and I'm one of the two bridesmaids. It's my job to fluff her dress and hold her flowers. I'm most likely going to give a speech. Fingers crossed this shit doesn't get ugly. And by ugly, I mean blackout drunk.

I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

1. Your boyfriend is a rock star for the spa package.
2. Happy blog Birthday, as even though I just found you not long ago, I am a Facebook groupie. I like food and snark. Done and done.
3. Your third point could be summed up by saying, "I have to be a fluffer, perform orally and then get blackout drunk.

I look forward to the recap!

GoodTimesDad said...


Since this is a random issue post: I just added you to the blog roll on my blog (you know, it shows up as a blog I read with your current post).

Happy Birthday.


Little Chicken said...

Ahhhh! I missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday!

Since I'm behind, I'ma just do it all in one comment (thanks questionable Dominican Republic internet connection):
- Fucken droolz over those shots of the chicken wrapped in bacon. Bacon + anything = always awesome
- I LOVE FUNFETTI CAKE MORE THAN ANYTHING plus you added the sweet ass colored sprinkles, way to party like a rockstar
- Enjoy that spa day! You totally deserve it! I like Boyfriend's style, he's a good giftgiver and signmaker. Yes, those are both just one word.
- Happy blog birthday, too! And blackout drunk speeches are always the most fun.

Allison said...

awww, we love you too! *teary hug.*

hed said...

Your blog is awesome! Seriously one of my favorites.

Did I already say happy birthday? Well then HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again?)

Seeing that room made me sleepy, and it made my muscles ache for a rub. Damn subliminal pictures!


Nikosmommy said...

Black out drunk is the only way to go!!! Have a great time at the wedding!!

suki said...

happy blogiversary! :)

Simone said...

happy blog bday. you're adorable. and you do lots of shit with your life.

Maria V @SoNailicious said...

1 - Happy Birthday!!! Looks like you had a wonderful day:)
2 - I will show this post to my fiancee - he needs to know what girls like:) -> spas!!!
3 - Your blog made me laugh:) Such fun reading and arty photos!
4 - I like making friends around the world too and would love to stay in touch:) following you!
Marusya V

Unknown said...

Happy bloggiversary, girl! Glad you got a spa day for your birfday! I'mma get me one of those soon....

michael said...

Can’t believe it has already been a year/ can’t believe I am still reading this after a year. Random but when I go on bing to look up your blog, a video of a boa eating a mouse comes up. Actually not that random at all.

TILTE said...

ABBY - thanks for reading my blog, my fb group, AND my posts on sprocket ink!! and you're right, Boyfriend is pretty cool. :)

GOODTIMESDAD - thanks for the blogroll add! btw- this is the first time i've read your name and the song from Good Times started playing in my head. i'm sure it won't be the last.

KIM - you should try the bacon wrapped chicken for New Husband. it's a really easy recipe if i can make it and not give someone salmonella poisoning. (btw- Boyfriend really is the best signmaker and giftgiver.) ;)

ALLISON - thanks!!

HED - ha! something about seeing a spa room makes your body go all goo-goo, ga-ga for a massage. it's suuuuch a nice treat.

NIKO - well, i didn't get blackout drunk. but i DID manage to have a great time. not getting drunk and still enjoying yourself at a wedding... who would have thought??

SUKI - thanks!!

SIMONE - thanks! you're right, i do do (doodoo?) stuff with my life. but if i had money, i could do a lot more. :)

MARUSYA - thanks for stopping by and following!!

WOMBAT - thanks!!

MICHAEL - can't believe it's been another year that i'm still friends with you.

Cake Betch said...

Getting a massage literally makes me high. It's so awesome. I wish I was loaded and could afford to get a massage like every week. How awesome would that be?

Eccentric Kitchen (Steph) said...

I just came across your blog and LOVE it!!!

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