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Thicker Looking Hair

I love this commercial.

PS: I can't stop watching it.


  1. Oh to have thick, luxurious hair!!
    This ad always makes me laugh...

    P.S. Katy's gone and I've thrown up some Royksopp on my player. Especially for you! Happy Tuesday!

  2. This one makes me laugh and laugh!

    I have to admit that TiVo has sooooo limited my commercial watching and this irrationally makes me sad.

  3. NIKO- i just went to your page- luvluvluv it. that's one of my top two fav royksopp songs. <3

    DEB- since moving back in with my mom, i haven't had the luxeries of TiVo, so i've been forced to watch commercials again. -it's like living in the Cave Man Times.
