We ended up going to downtown Ventura so I could relive my youth in the thrift stores. After grabbing a torta and liquado at the always delicious Taqueria Vallarta (go with the Vallarta Special, TRUST.ME.ON.THIS), we headed to the Coalition Thrift Store. This is where we spent most of our day.
It's been a long time since I really enjoyed a good thrift storing session. I used to LIVE in these mothball/ homeless man/ Jean Nate scented huts when I was in high school and I really love finding old thrown-away nonsense and turning it into my own special, badass piece of magic.
I'm kind of torn on how I feel about yesterday's visit. I found LOTS of great items that I would have happily snatched up in my greedy little "Oh you're looking at something I'm holding...??? Well. Now I'm definitely buying it." paws. Except in the years since my last visit, apparently thrift store pricing has gone through the mutha fuggin roof and it is now totally appropriate to overprice these donated charitable items. Do NOT get me started on the part the hipster craze has played in all this unless you want me to spit hate all over this blog.
Anyway, here are some highlights from the Coalition...
A beautiful "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" petticoat that is ALWAYS good to have on hand because you never know when that pesky 80's party/ ballet recital/ square dancing competition is going to pop up. I had my eye on this... but not for $37.

Speaking of real oven, feast your eyes on this. This stove was pretty rad in all meanings of the word. The inside of the door even had cooking times for various meals. I don't know how practical this stove would really be, but I mean, seriously... Who even uses these things nowadays...? And for $500? C'mon...
A Betsy Johnson prom dress for only $39! Another great find for next year's winter formal, which, btw I'm totes already planning for.
Rawnie spotted this coat probably as a joke, but it ended up looking pretty fucking dreamy on me. The only downside were the fur cuffs- they were super heavy and stiff, which does seem pretty gross now that I'm thinking about it... Oh yeah, and the price was a bummer too. $50.
Another solid pimp coat choice. This one was saying "Lookin' good, FoxyBrown!" in the front. But was also simultaneously saying "Holy shit, Kool-Aid man, ease up on the bench presses!" in the back. My Joe Namath shoulders nearly sent the threads flying when I hulked out in this leather lovely. I'm pretty sure this one was in the $50 range as well.
This is where my dreams turned into nightmares. This bike was SCREAMING my name. It called to me from the parking lot, it begged me to take it home. It was like God wanted me to have this bike. Except God didn't let the coalition know and they assidentally wrote "$189" on its sticker. Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiss. I know this bike won't last more than 2 days at this store and I'm even debating whether or not I should have shared this discovery with the general public.
After sifting through the stinky goodness, I ended up going with two decorative plates and a new lampshade, both for my room.
From the thrift store, we made our way over to a cute little (again, overpriced) boutique shop. They had the stupidest, most assholey looking sunglasses in their doorway and, like moths to a flame, Rawnie and I were sucked in.
These are the glasses Rawnie wears when she wants to be taken seriously on the poker circuit. (Nobody has a chance against these badboys- I'm talking to you, Phil Helmuth.)
I look like Cheech and Chong's illegitimate lovechild.
Our day ended not long after this photo because my torta/ liquado combo kicked into high gear and I turned into Rob Zombie and needed a nap ASAP.
I will leave you with a pic of my nephew, Hogan, who I just hung out with today. He is happy in this picture because I let him get away with saying naughty things like "blood" and "fart" and "knuckle sandwich".
U and pictures on bikes that are parked. I tried to find that pic of you on that bike in London sans wheels but remembered it was on myspace = dead to me. oh well. I still have it burnt in my memory unfortunately. Oh yeah and we did that at BB too. dang.
Ps. I like your blog better when there are no pics of you.
I wish I was a good mom like Tanya and made my kids say nice things instead of "Shut your piehole, Jack."
michael- stoopid, it was YOU on the wheel-less bike in london. but yes, i was on someone's bike outside beauty bar.
ps: i like you better when you're dead to me.
crybaby llorona- i will take liam whenever you like and i will teach him to be an angel. you're gonna love the way he looks, i guarantee it.
You need to give those to me!
I just went thrifting with my girls this past Saturday. My absolute favorite thing to do.
I think I had that bitchin' Donna Reed stove in one of my apts.
Thanks so much for heading over to Mrs. Gambizzle's page and letting her know I sent you!
I love thrift store shopping but it sure is becoming more and more expensive. :( It sounds like you had a good time & you found some cute things!
debs- you know, when i saw those plates i KNEW i'd seen them before, but i wasn't sure if my brain was having delusions of grandeur. there were a few more at the store, i can go back and ship them to you for a nominal finders fee of $10k.
mrs c- yeah, i did find some cute things... LIKE.THAT.STUPID.ESSPENSIVE.BIKE.I.CANT.STOP.DREAMING.ABOUT.
Okay this is a great post! What a great way to get out of the dumps! I really did love this! I actually DID lol on your definition of suicide. OMG, you are a riot!
ew, you ought to bring a black light thrifting.
that is a fab bike. craigslist that junk...surely you'll find its twin.
sheila- glad you were able to enjoy my day of overpriced, rage-enducing therapy.
allison- the thing is, i don't even need a bike. i'm pretty much the equivalent of a quadriplegic because i just sit on my ass all day long. not to mention the hot pink, banana seater i already have in the garage. ...that thrift store bike was just magical...
You know where there are killer thrift shops? Florida. I guess because mostly oldies live there and die and leave all of their ancient stuff behind. Sad, I know.
I love that stove! The clothes are so cool too!
Your nephew is adorable. I only have one, and he's my special guy. :)
ally- speaking of dying and leaving ancient stuff behind... do you ever go to estate sales? talk about nightmare juice. i've been to two and both times left with sadness in my heart and fucking night terrors in my brain.
I love thrift stores! They have gotten expensive though!!!
I love thrift stores too! but I think it's weird that they all smell the same. It's like a "people's old crap" kinda smell, even at the nicer ones.
My sister Heather still has an old stove - it is pretty rad. I need to go thrift store shopping soon! Ever since my sister moved to Oxnard she can't stay out of them.
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