Things I Like to Eat (...and Other Nonsense)


Recipe: Strawberry Shortcakes

I've been on a sweets kick for the past few weeks and I've been whipping up a storm in the kitchen. And by whipping up a storm, I mean I made these twice. Strawberry shortcake is one of those desserts that's so light and fluffy, it's just too easy to demolish a whole bunch of them in the span of time it takes to watch one episode of Judge Judy. Speaking of Judge Judy, did you see the primetime special that was on a few weeks ago? Did you see when they were showing footage of her when she was, like, in her 50's pumping iron at the gym...
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Miss Kitty.

When I was 19, I went with my friend Jessy for a weekend visit to her dad's house. He lived about 3 hours south-east in an area of southern California I'd never been to. When we got to Paul and Jan's house, we were greeted by a cat with a fluffy grey mane. She didn't have a name because nobody knew who she belonged to. The story was that one day, the cat came in through the doggy door and none of the dogs did anything about her. Jan was a little nutty and said that the cat would talk to her and tell her stories. The whole thing was pretty...
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Recipe: Chicken Tortilla Soup

Yesterday morning, I woke up craving chicken tortilla soup. I'd never made it before, but I'd been thinking about it for a while. I looked around at a few recipes and settled on one that seemed easy and had pictures that looked good. Which, if you read my blog regularly, is how I always make my best decisions. Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup Adapted from All Recipes Ingredients 1 lb shredded chicken 1 (15 oz) can whole peeled tomatoes, mashed and chopped 1 (10 oz) can enchilada sauce 3/4 large onion, chopped 1 (4 oz)...
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Restaurant Review: Lucky's

A few months back, we were watching a show on the Food Network called The Best Thing I Ever Ate. Chef Cat Cora named Lucky's as her favorite dining spot for a strip steak and both Eric and I drooled over our TV. It was a little lot out of our price range, so I really wasn't expecting to go there any time soon. Not to mention, it's in Montecito. For those of you not familiar with the area, you probably have no idea what that is or that Oprah lives there or that it's definitely not a place for commoners like me. Lucky's is located...
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My Birthday: 34

I turned 34 yesterday and I have to say, it doesn't feel much different from 33. Except that now, I expect to start receiving AARP mags and Boniva coupons in the mail. The festivities began a little early when we had Pearl for the previous weekend. On a strong recommendation from a friend (Hi Miss), we took a little drive up the coast and had lunch at Padaro Beach Grill. It was a beautiful day and everyone and their mom was there. Literally. Eric's mom and dad met us there. It was a burger day all around and we took our...
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34 Years of Being Me.

Today is my birthday. I'll post a more in-depth post later. For now, just know that the chances of me looking like the picture above are slim to none and the chances of me looking like the picture below are 100% guaranteed. ...
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New Things or Something-Something-Blog-Title

As if being 1/2 real Catholic and 1/2 fake Jew wasn't enough of a guilt trip, Facebook just sent me a text reminding me that I haven't posted anything recently, basically asking what I'm doing with my life.  LOTS OF IMPORTANT THINGS, OKAY FACEBOOK??? And by important things, I'm actually kind of leaning more towards not important things. Like watching The Bachelor. Did you watch it this season? I think I'm the only woman on the planet who's not smoking bachelor crack and hating all over his Venezuelan ass (Is that where he's...
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Recipe: White Velvet Cupcakes with Strawberry Buttercream Frosting

Last week, there was a Valentine's Day bake-off at work and I was drawing a blank on what to bring. I knew that I wanted to try something from scratch- i.e. no box cake. After a few minutes of Googling around, I found a recipe for White Velvet Cupcakes and matched it up with a recipe for Strawberry Buttercream Frosting. The directions called for using the blessed Kitchenaid mixer- which by the way, I've had for six years and have managed to never use because I feel like it's the fanciest thing I'll ever own and therefore need to...
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