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Bet You Didn't Know My Wedding was So Creepy.

I know I said I'd knock out all the wedding talk in one post, but I feel like this one gets a pass since it's somewhat creepy-themed, and can therefore be classed as a "Halloween" post. See how I did that?

Here are eight interesting-and-creepy facts about (or that led up to) our wedding:

1. Eric and I had our first kiss while watching Stephen King's The Shining
2. Eric proposed the night we went to watch a special viewing of The Shining at LACMA
3. Our wedding was held at a haunted venue
4. On Friday, the 13th
5. There were 13 people in our wedding party
6. Our first dance was to Midnight, the Stars, and You. Otherwise known as, the scary-ass song from the ballroom scene in The Shining.
7. The first song at the reception was Michael Jackson's Thriller

And I saved the scariest for last...

8. I've gained five pounds since the wedding. Yes. That's right. FIVE. My always-on-the-go, planning-a-wedding days are over and apparently so is my metabolism. Thankfully, none of my clothes are fitting any differently. Which means, it's probably just going straight to my face. Lucky me.

Thank you, Sarah P., for sharing this image with me. It's like you can see into the future.


  1. This post just made my day! Love how creepy you guys are! Sorry about the 5 lbs...not that it matters now. You're hitched! Let that ladystache grow and that ass spread, you got yer man!

  2. Hahahah awesome!

    I love your theme! But also you guys have funny taste in romantic movies :)
