
Recipe: Semi-Homemade Fish Tacos.

Yesterday was another scorcher.

After being fried to a crisp at the beach, I didn't feel like putting forth much effort in the dinner department. I found myself wandering up and down the grocery store aisles, glazed-over eyes and arms covered in sand that had stuck to my suntan oil like white on rice, with no real plan of attack. 

I stopped in the bread section and regrouped. What did I feel like eating that was easy to make and good on a hot day...?

I decided on fish tacos.

I Googled a recipe for fish taco sauce- Rubio's to be exact- and made my way through the store, gathering a few ingredients.

According to Epicurious.com

1/2 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp chopped fresh dill
1/4 tsp cayenne
juice of 1 lime
salt to taste

Whisk all ingredients together. Can be made up to two days in advance.

For the actual tacos, I used Gorton's Premium Tilapia. I always buy Gorton's, but this was the first time I'd tried the premium tilapia version. 

When I took them out of the oven, I could tell they had more breading on them, which was a two-thumbs up in my book. And as soon as I took my first bite, I was sold. Each stick was thick, crunchy, and flavorful. 

When assembling your taco, feel free to use either corn or flour tortillas. I prefer corn. Boyfriend likes flour. We always keep both on hand. And don't forget to heat your tortillas first. I think it gives them a better flavor and makes them easier to work with. I've heard you can warm them up in the microwave, but I always do mine on the stovetop burners.

Top with cabbage, diced tomato, and a generous serving of sauce.

Boyfriend and I were in Heaven with this meal. The crunchy fish sticks, crisp cabbage, and tangy sauce all worked together perfectly. The sauce not only turned out better than we expected, but it was exactly what I was hoping for. Just like Rubio's. And everything was super easy to make.

This meal gets 5 chins!


Simone said...

hahahah - i love love love your rating system.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!! I am so making this! love the sauce.
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
thanks for the recipe!

drollgirl said...

i am crazy for fish tacos, and this looks scrumptious!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! it really looks good at the end. I'm hungry now!

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