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Hairstyles That Should Be Allowed Nowhere. On Any Planet. Ever.

I don't care if she can see the future, she needs to start seeing the present. 

Straight bangs with curly hair. Her own babies can't even bare to look at it. 

You're not fooling anyone with those natural looking hair extensions.

I know this is a wig, but I used it as an excuse to throw her ugly ass in here too. 

I saw these two pix and they were too good to pass up. Lol.

Haters wanna hate. 

The fuck is this anyway??

And then I came across this badboy. At least his hair serves a purpose. 

Have a good weekend!


  1. OMG--Fro hat rocks.

    Also, I'mma represent the curly haired straight banged girls. These bangs look ridonkulous curly. I hope I get a pass if they're short (no bangs is not an option when you have a fivehead).

  2. That raccoon girl has her bangs pulled to the side and they are so low that they cover her eyebrows. Weird. And LOL on the first one: "She needs to start seeing the present." I think girl is kind of cute. Of course, I just got my haircut again and I look EXACTLY like Velma from Scooby Doo AGAIN.

  3. Number four is a mullet and she needs to face it.

  4. hahahaha.... thank you making me laugh my ass off. seriously. You forgot the Kate Gosselin raccoon thing whatever spikey hairstyle she had at one point. Also I really hate the straight bangs and curly hair look. If you ever really really want to piss me off thats how you do it.


  5. Straight bangs with curly hair is totally a pet peeve of mine. HATE HATE HATE.

  6. Soooo I've finally caught up on your blog( wasn't reading many while I was away in Europe for the summer) and DANG have you been thru a LOT!! Hope you're feeling better ASAP ... Glad to see a post that's light hearted and non- poop related which means your mind is off your bowels! ( as a IBS sufferer I know how much it can dominate your world)!!! But you have srsly been to hell and back with this, hang in there little mama!! 3 cheers for solid foods with flavor!

  7. i'm pretty sure you could use any of my high school pics to really drive home your point.

    p.s. hope you're feeling better. please email me an update if you have time. :)
