
TILTE's Panzanella Salad.

This is a recipe for something healthy I ate.

I figured I should share it with you right away because I'm probably going to fall off the wagon before the week is over (I've already fallen off several times, actually) and I'd like to look back on this glorious moment and feel all nostalgic about that one time I became super healthy and fit.

Important Note: If you omit the chicken from this recipe, it is TOTALLY SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS AND VEGANS!!!

TILTE's Panzanella Salad


- Italian Bread
- Italian seasoning
- olive oil
- 20 cherry tomatoes, halved
- red onion, sliced into thin strips (however much you like)
- 8 leaves fresh basil, chiffonade'ed
- 1 avocado, sliced into wedges or cubes
- 1 chicken breast (we cooked extra, but all you need for this recipe is one)
- 3 white potatoes
- 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- romaine lettuce

Missing from this picture: Italian seasoning, olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper


Sprinkle salt, pepper, and onion powder on both sides of chicken breasts. Place in a shallow baking dish that's been coated with olive oil. Cook for roughly 25 minutes at 400- or until juices run clear.

Slice bread into cubes and place on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and Italian seasoning. Throw it in the oven for 15 minutes. Or until they're toasted the way you like it.

Boil whole potatoes until you can easily stick a fork in them.

Once chicken is done cooking, cut into cubes. Throw chicken, tomatoes, onion, basil, potatoes, avocado, croutons, and lettuce into a large bowl.

In a screw-top jar (or one of those "make your own salad dressing" containers), combine vinegar, olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. Shake that shit up. Pour over salad.

Eat it.

This salad is perfect for people who are NOT very "salady". The ingredients are hearty and filling and the dressing is full of flavor. I will definitely keep this on my regular dinner rotation.

Anyone out there willing to try it, let me know what you think!!



Sara Louise said...

I made something very similar (Tuscan bread salad) for my mother-in-law. It was the first thing I ever made for her and she liked it. Now, it's a go-to dish all the time :-)

Simone said...

yum! if i weren't entirely lazy as shit, i'd make this. i hate preparing meals, cooking, cleaning up afterward... i want a personal chef.

Erin said...

Dude. My diet has been crashing and burning so hard. Everything I ate yesterday was from a fast food restaurant. Healthy! Back on the wagon today. Your salad looks yum-tastic.

Mandy_Fish said...

"Shake that shit up." Laugh!

Can I make it without the bread and potatoes? 'Cause it sounds delish.

Lorraine said...

I was doing really well with a diet last week and then I got sick with a demon cold and now I eat whatever I can whenever I want it whenever it feels good. I blame the cold.


TILTE said...

SARA LOUISE - It does seem pretty hearty and "tuscany". It's a great dish and I'm not surprised that yours is a go-to meal.

SIMONE - Considering I almost NEVER make vegan options, you HAVE to try this recipe. Or else.

ERIN - Try it! It's delicious AND filling. And you know I would straight up bash this shit if I really thought it sucked.

MANDY - Sure! Nix the potatoes and bread, maybe substitute something else to make up for it. And shake that shit up!

LORRAINE - Getting sick is a big "time out" when it comes to diets. You're totally allowed to eat anything you want. Especially McDonalds french fries.

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