
Happy 4th.

Today is great, you know why? Of course you know why. It's the beginning of a three-day 4th of July weekend. And if there's one thing Americans love, it's patriotic three-day weekends. So put on your favorite outfit and make sure to look your best...

...Fire up the old grill for some weenies...

...Stock up on party supplies...

...Make yourself a nice drink and grab a seat...

...And enjoy the festivities.

In other nonsense,

I'm still pretty new to this whole social networking business. Who are your favorite tweeters?? What's your Twitter name? Do you have a StumbleUpon account? If so, what is your username? Let's be friends!

Have a great weekend!


Erin said...

Ok so what you should do is choose a like-minded Tweep and follow some of the Tweeps they're following. Most will follow you back. SOCIAL NETWORKING FTW! I seriously just figured this all out myself, like, last week. I can't get into StumbleUpon. I feel like it sucks me in and won't let me out. That said, my username is zeromusings. Have a great weekend!

Trude said...

Woohoo 3-day weekend! :) I'm addicted to the Tweetness, I'm at @ellingsenphoto. Hope you have an awesome holiday!

MRanthrope said...

I havent been stoked about 4th of July since I was a kid and had an obsession with G.I. Joes and illegal fireworks. Still a good excuse to eat like a pig though, which always rules regardless.

Alli said...

I love fireworks. Our town sets of fireworks from a barge out in Long Island Sound and everyone sits on the beach to watch the show. It's actually worth the traffic we deal with getting out of the beach parking lot.

I'm AlliPsycho on Twitter. Follow me and I'll follow you! Like follow the leader! Kind of.

Cake Betch said...

not to be a grouch, but I'm so glad this weekend is over. I am just not a fan of the fireworks and resulting influx of people.

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