Ever since blogger had it's little meltdown the other week I've been unable to comment on certain blogs. If the blog comment box is a pop-up, then I can comment without problems. But if it's the kind that shows a static comment box in the blog itself, it sends me through an endless loop of "Must be signed in to comment" and "Type comment here" and "Must be signed in to comment" and "Type comment here". It was bugging my shit and since I was unable figure it out, some of you have gone without my comments. So, what I'm saying is... if you've noticed that your blog has had fewer comments than usual, blame it on blogger. I know I am.
Well, I read online yesterday that this comment problem can probably be solved by switching browsers. I was hoping this wasn't true because I'm a golden oldie and like to stick with Internet Explorer for all my internet needs, but I decided to give it a try anyway. What do you know- it worked. So if any of you have been having problems with the dreaded comment log-in loop, just open the the blog in another browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome) and you should be able to comment like normal.
Has anyone had this problem? Or am I the only one?
On a totally unrelated note- check out my entry at Sprocket Ink. -Especially if you like breaking news about Tupac being alive and living in New Zealand.

Knew it. But I said Cuba.
I've used Safari for ages now..it kicks explorers ass and has spellcheck which i need desperately!
Everything loads quicker too! SO much better for "big blogs" with huge pics that normally take a long time to load.
As for the comment issue, I too have found that when I click to "leave a comment" I often (about 40% of the time) get an error message that says I'm unable to post comments, or I must enable cookies or some such crap (can't remember the exact msg). I just close the error message and click "leave a comment" again and am always able to leave a comment on my second try.
No issues with signing in again or anything...
Yeah blogger had a huge meltdown and I wasn't able to comment on anyone else's blog or sign in to my own blog for a couple of days. Since then I haven't had any issues...
I thought he was in Cuba, too?!
I was having some troubles commenting, but it seems to have gone now. So Yay!
That's a good tip though! I'll remember that next time it plays up (if there is a next time).
Sorry for the caps, but it was necessary.
I have been wondering why people have been complaining about Blogger and the comments recently beacuse I have not experienced any issues with that.
It's because I have a Mac and use Safair, not Internet Explorer.
You're a frickin' genius.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
This is what I get for falling off the face of the earth, I miss all of the good Tupac and blogger gossip.
Totally knew he was alive.
Girl, pack your shiz and c'mon over to WordPress!
Um..........Tupac was dead?
I had trouble that one Thursday, Friday, and into the weekend that Blogger took a shit on everyone, but after that I was fine. I heard a lot of people say they had problems. I use Chrome though and I've been fine to comment after that weekend.
IE?? Srsly, that's so 1995. Haha! :-D
No problems here.
Though... I agree with Cake. Seriously? IE? I'll let you borrow my old hammer pants if you want. Probably match your sega genesis and air jordans.
Dude, I forgot all about Tupac.
Oh Tupac is still alive....in every other city we go, every other videooooo
You are crazy. I always and forever will love Tupac Amaru Shakur. My boyfriend however told me I cant name my son after him. boo hoo. I was the weird mexican girl at my high school making presentations in my humanity class about reasons pac is still alive and the 7 day theory, but you can call me...
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