
Pubic Service Announcement.

Ok, I want to take a moment to point out that in between my last two poop entries the unthinkable happened.

I lost a follower.

Maybe my butthole hijinx are too much for some people's fragile eyeballs, but I don't think I really ever write about anything TOO weird or unacceptable. My point in sharing these stories with you is partly (hopefully) to give you something to laugh at, but also just to share my random experiences. I'm not getting paid to go out and look for weird shit to blog about- this weird shit is just my life.

(Important Note: I'm totally open to getting paid if anyone out there wants to commission my work.)

Maybe my honesty is too much for certain readers, in which case that's fine. Unfollow. I only want followers who enjoy my writing and stories anyway. -That's actually not true, I'll take followers whether they like me or not. But seriously folks, it's fine if this isn't your thing.

Now that I got that shit outta the way, I want to tell you all about Studio30Plus. It's like a social networking site for bloggers over 30. I only just recently joined (the website and facebook page too) and I'm still totally new to it all. So imagine my surprise when I saw I was nominated for the BEST FEMALE BLOGGER AWARD!!!!!!

Dudes, I'm not even shitting you right now. People like me (I use the word "people" loosely. I really only needed one vote to make it through to this round.) I'm totally not expecting to win because I'm way too new to this game and haven't worked up nearly enough PR to rig that shit in my direction. But I'm soOoOoo excited to even be nominated. In honor of making it this far, I'm going to celebrate this weekend by wearing one of my fanciest dresses and eating banana splits while watching tivo'd episodes of Millionaire Matchmaker.


So go to their website and vote. And maybe even send them messages on facebook harassing reminding them how great I am. (I don't even know if that would hold any credibility, but it's worth a shot.)

File this one under B for "bragging".


Anonymous said...

you said pubic...umm...more poops please.

Anonymous said...

I headed over there to vote for you and for the life of me can't figure out where to go. Granted it's almost lunchtime and my low blood sugar may be to blame. ☺

I've coming up on the big 3-0 soon and am glad to know there is still a place for us once we get old! I may have to 'sneak' in a month or so early. I am quite certain that I can pass for 30.

Anonymous said...

OK, OK, turns out I am not completely stupid...just figured it out. Vote submitted!

Allison said...


ChristinaC said...

Yay!! I hope you win and fuck the loser who stopped following you...they probably act like they dont shit like us normal people. Miss ya!

Deborah said...

Hey, they come, they go, we don't get attached.

That is fabulous about the nomination!

StephanieC said...

Voted for you!! I hit that "vote" button so hard, it won't walk straight for a week!

Okay, that was totally unnecessary...

Trude said...

My subscriber number is always fluctuating, so don't feel too bad. :) Congrats on being nominated though!!

Simone said...

you lost one lame-ass follower and gained a new one who is only lame every so often. and usually when i'm alone. but i'm alone a lot. so i'm pretty lame too. except i'm going to keep following you because you're friggin brilliantly hilarious.

Unknown said...

I recently lost a follower, too. I don't think I even talked about bungholes.

Oh well. Your poop talk had me LOL in bed last night. Keep it coming. The blog banter, that is. Not the ass explosions.

michael said...

i voted!!!

jk i have better things to do.

Sara Louise said...

I lose followers all the time! At first it bothered me and I took it personally, now I'm like, whatevas.
Headed over to vote for you now. (I'm voting for you because I like you. I really really like you).

LaceyRee said...

CONGRATS!!! You totally deserve to be crowned queen of blogging. Sorry I have not been around that often. I am ashamed of myself, and I must catch up on this poop that is scaring away your followers...

Little Chicken said...

Yay! You totally deserve to be nominated! That's awesome sauce. I will now go over to that site and threaten... er...encourage them to pick you as the winner.

Unknown said...

Congrats Lucky that's ace on the nomination! You're stuff isn't likely to scare me away anytime soon!

TILTE said...

CHRISTINA- exaaaactly. she's probably one of those people who calls farts "foofies".

MICHAEL- i hate you.

EVERYONE ELSE- thanks SOOO much for the kind words and votes! even if i don't win, i love that you think i'm entertaining. <3

Vic said...

I may have to arm wrestle you for it! (Seriously, blog award stuff makes me anxious and weird...I've been trying to pretend it's not going on.)

Losing followers sucks. One day I lost four followers in fifteen minutes. I think the post had something to do with chickens.
Chicken haters.

GoodTimesDad said...


Well, as someone who not only takes great pleasure in the act of pooping, but in reading (and of course seeing a good poop scene on TV and movies, i.e., Dumb and Dumber, American Pie) and writing about it, I have happily replaced the follower you lost.

Funny stuff.

Good times.

TILTE said...

VIC- i might have to pass on the arm wrestling part since i generally try to avoid physical activity. now, a pie eating contest, that would be a different story.

GOODTIMESDAD- thanks for following! and don't worry, i'm sure it won't be long until i write another poop doozy.

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