
Yogurt v. Bacon

It's Friday and there's a beautiful weekend ahead! Let's celebrate with a little diddy by Rick K. and the Allnighters!!!

(Thanks to eStrunk for that internet gold nugget)

And before I leave you to rejoice in the drumming festivities, would you rather....

A. Eat a carton of yogurt that's been left out in the sun for two days
B. Eat a cheese flavored Beggin' Strip

Aaaaaaaaaaand- discuss.


Chrystal said...

Well the people in my household would most likely go for the nasty old yogurt but however I would rather die than eat anything dairy sitting in the sun for two days. So I guess I would go for the Beggin Strip.

Chrystal said...

btw that is how I play rockband.

Allison said...

hey, if it's good enough for my dog...

Unknown said...

Beggin strip over nasty dairy death any day.

This guy should be famous by now. In my book he is.

Coyote Rose said...

I'm going with the Beggin strip. I probably won't die from the beggin strip, but i'm pretty sure the 2-day-in-the-sun-yogurt is going to put me in the hospital

TILTE said...

basically, what i'm getting at here is... those beggin strips get me everytime. they smell goooood, amirite???

ps: i wonder if this band is available in the southern california area... SO I CAN MARRY THEM.

Anonymous said...

100,000% the Beggin' Strip.

A. because although it's a dog treat, at least it isn't SPOILED.


B. I watched in horror (maybe even a little excitement if I'm being honest) as my Grandmother ate one because she thought it was jerky and she was just fine.

TILTE said...

ashley, you just won my heart over. and by heart, i mean chins.

Junket said...

Texas style, they say? Where I'm from we call that Autism but whatevs. I'm going with the Beggin' Strip because A) It's least likely to make me crap my pants and B) I've secretly thought about it way too many times.

Unknown said...

Beggin' strip, but only if I get to chase it around the house first screaming, "BACON!!"

Mrs. C said...

I'm all about the bacon, at least in this case. I prefer to spend as little amount of time on the toilet as possible and if I ate spoiled yogurt I would probably be there for awhile!

LaceyRee said...

I am weird about eating dairy products - I don't trust them. I'm always afraid that if my yogurt is anywhere near the exp. date it will kill me. I wouldn't go near that yogurt, so it's the beggin strip for sure.

Bigger than Average Mom said...

since the woman folk in our family have a lactose problem with the fresh stuff, i don't even want to know what would be exploding from me with the two day in the sun yogurt. beggin strips all the way for me.

the drummer is being held back. he needs to go on Americas Got Talent. with talent like that, he's a sure winner. btw... if anybody books him, i don't care where you live... i want to be invited so i can videotape this piece of deliciousness for myself.

RN Mama said...

After much thought, I have to go with the Beggin Strip. Mostly because the idea of the yogurt made me throw up in my mouth.

P.S. My husband just yelled at me for watching your video. Apparently, he was not impressed:(

TILTE said...

junks- i think you meant ARTISTIC, not autistic. it's ok, it's a common mistake.

wombat- i wish you would film that and send it to me so i can watch it over and over on sad nights.

mrs. c- i think everyone is with you on the "as little time as possible on the toilet". except for guys, they always like to spend hours at a time on the shitter. i don't get that.

lacey- don't make excuses. we're here so we can be ourselves. just admit you want to try the beggin strip already.

liz- i lolled at your analysis of the drummer.

rn- your husband gets two thumbs down in the "enjoying comic genius" department.

michael said...

So I tried to watch this video fully but I felt the dude that sits behind me at work starring over my shoulder watching me. Which is not good because we all think he is going to go ape shiz soon because he is feeling overworked. Everytime the phone rings he drops an F bomb because he has to answer it. AND yesterday afternoon he was looking at guns online. Im just saying.

So to answer your Q, I would totally take the gold jacket and wear it when I go to the roller rink next weekend.

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