
Weekend Recap!

Friday night my good mate* Michael came up from San Diego. I made my world famous Nascar-crockpot-chicken-n-potatoes (Side note: I doubled the spices and Italian dressing- it was much better). Unfortunately, I got a liiiiiiiittle bit of a late start on it, so dinner was actually served at 10pm. (That's how I roll- take it or leave it.) We each had a margarita with our dinner and ended up wizzasted before we'd even put our dishes in the sink. This may have been a recipe for disaster until my two canine monsters went all Michael Vick on each other and totally killed our 'rita buzz.

Our first stop was The Roger Room in Hollywood. This was a recommendation from a dear friend who sold me on it by stating everyone in there reminded him of me. Well, if you know me at all, you know the way to my heart is by sending me to a room full of TILTE clones.

I'd seen a few reviews online that said it's a tricky place to find. It's located on La Cienega, between Melrose and Beverly. You'll know you've arrived when you see the giant neon palm reader hand illuminating the voodoo priestess shop next door. The location itself is a plain, black door with the number 370 over it. I had no idea what to expect from this place.

Upon entering, I saw that it was clearly an LA hotspot because this tiny British shoebox was jampacked. I also learned that my friend who recommended this place clearly thinks I'm a lot cooler than I really am because everyone in there looked like a hipster version of The Hills. Michael and I totally lucked out because we spotted two open stools at the bar and quickly staked our claim.

The ceilings in the RR seemed low and it's pretty dark inside- feels a little like you're in the cabin of a boat. The bartenders all wear old fashioned vests and ties and there's a lot of hustle-bustle noise. It definitely had a vibe like this. We both made the mistake of ordering our "usuals"- Amaretto Sour and Vodka Tonic- before looking at the drink menu. BAD MOVE. From what I could see (the lights are very dim), they have lots of interesting specialties. One girl next to us got a drink that was topped with cucumber eggwhite foam. And the first drink on the menu was called The Pash (English slang- The Kiss). Aaaaaand, they even serve Pimms Cup!!!! If you've never had Pimm's Cup, the recipe consists of Pimms No.1, lemon-lime soda, a slice of orange, a slice of cucumber, and some mint. It's the official drink of Wimbeldon, and if it's good enough for Bjorn Borg, it's good enough for me.

I didn't try Michael's drink, so I can only speak for myself when I say THE.AMARETTO.SOUR.WAS.NOT.GOOD. It was waaaaay too sweet and tasted like I was drinking Tootsie Roll juice. But they did put a cool mixer in my drink that looked ezzactly like a dental mirror.
Like I said before, big mistake not going with one of their signature items. And the drinks were on the pricey side- $21 for two drinks. Now here's the question... Would I go back again...?

Yes because if anyone wants to be a hipster version of The Hills, it's me.

From there, we headed over to my faaaaaav place, Beauty Bar (if you click on that link, I suggest turning your volume down- for some reason their music is always blasting). According to their calendar, we were there for "DJ Evil One, spinning rock, pop, disco, hip hop, electro and classics". Whatever it was, it was all over the place. It wasn't their best night, but it definitely wasn't their worst. Worth Noting: Take cash unless you plan on having multiple drinks. The drinks are cheap and the credit card minimum is $15.

I love this pic because it looks like we're at some cheapo club in Mexico. Wrong. We're at some cheapo club in Hollywood.

I don't know who this girl is, but I told her to smile and she did. Two thumbs up in my book.

That guy making the face was starting to brawl with some other dude- he was yelling "YOUR GIRL HAS BIGGER BALLS THAN YOU!" Apparently, I thought that was especially funny.

Michael at his finest: Hanging out near the grilled weenies.

Saturday, we made breakfast. This was my first time making turkey bacon and I decided to go with Butterball brand. I've recently discovered I love turkey bacon- love the taste and the fact that my chin doesn't instantly erupt into 500 zits like it does with regular bacon. Anyway, we pretty much annihilated it in the frying pan, turning into a volcanic magma strip of coal. I ended up giving it a go again on Sunday morning and it came out muuuuuch better.

We spent the day doing vigorous laps in the pool. And by vigorous laps, I mean we beached ourselves on the steps and never moved.

Michael's glorious entry:

My glorious entry:

All in all, another great weekend.

*Michael, I only referred to you as "my good mate" for the purposes of this blog. In reality, I still hate you and hope you choke on your bean burrito.


Jess said...

Love your hat!

Eric Strunk said...

Your friend who recommended the RR, while obviously having his finger crushing the pulse of young Hollywood, should have been better at steering you towards their specialty drinks from the beginning. When I went i had a creamy cucumber drink your neighbor did. And by "a" i mean i had 3. The link to the Overlook hotel ballroom was spot on.

Allison said...

your food porn is truly fabulous.

Deborah said...

Oh! Now I HAVE to have a Pimm's Cup!

Chrystal said...

love the shining reference!

TILTE said...

jessica- thanks! i bought it at a street fair a few years back. it cost and arm and a leg, so i try to wear it whenever i can.

eric- you had 3 drinks?!?! you must be rich.

allison- thanks. i just drooled over the bacon pic and now i'm going to make it all over again.

debs- i'm telling you, you HAVE to try it. it's a great "outside on a sunny day" drink.

chrystal- thanks! you know i love that movie. it's aaaaaaalmost as creepy as the made-for-tv version of Through the Looking Glass.

LaceyRee said...

I also love your hat and the shining reference!
I've seen that movie a thousand times and consequently get weirded out by long hotel hallways and elevators that spew blood.
Also, I have to point out that it appears you could have gotten a tattoo with your weenie purchase...

michael said...

best entry yet. did u cook the bacon in the microwave or just not leave it cooking in the fryin pan for 20 mins like i did?

Unknown said...

I want to come hang out (sans Michael, of course)!

Bigger than Average Mom said...

i think you liked the turkey bacon better because it's kosher and regular bacon is the devil's candy. loved the hat too. good to see all the good food hasn't affected your body, like the bad food has of mine.

TILTE said...

lacey- i'm totes with you on that. now, whenever i see a creepy old corpse sneaking out of my hotel shower i get totally weirded out.

michael- i made it in the frying pan. i just paid attention to what i was doing unlike *some* people...

keith- it would have been totally funner sans michael, i'll give you that.

liz- regular bacon IS the devil's candy and i'm glad you pointed that out. and thanks for the compliment. though it's all optical illusion because my better half is hidden underwater. and by better half, i mean disastre du corp.

Sara Louise said...

The Roger Room should have t-shirts that say, "I got Rogered at the Roger Room." Sorry, I had to go there.

Love turkey bacon. I could sit by a pool all day wearing that hat and gnawing on some turkey bacon. With Pimms!!

Miss Yvonne said...

Awesome points to you for dropping Bjorn Borg in your post. Redheadedtennisplayerssaywhat??

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