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I Stole This.

My friend Junks just posted this on her page and I was moved enough to steal it.

Watching this video made me think... I'm half Mexican, half Colombian*, my bebehs BETTER have moves like this or else I'm gonna be pissssssssed.

It also made me think... That baby needs a diaper change.

*Throw in half Ajin for good measure.


  1. Oh I love this!! Saw this the other day! That baby has got some moves!!!

  2. You've seen Evan dance haven'te you? Just becuase they have it in their blood, don't mean they'll be able to dance.

    I agree with you regarding the changing of the diaper. looked like it was a little ripe.

  3. This is one of those videos my kids LOVE to watch. Just like those Beyonce ones I mentioned on my blog today.

    Cute babies should rule the world.

  4. I especially liked the towel drying my butt move around :45 and the Sumo stomps around 1:55. I'm calling his mom so he can teach me some moves. I am a serious white bread dancer.

  5. bah! this kid has better moves than me!!!

  6. wombat- i'm a fan of the Ass Drier myself. i also particularly liked when he did the Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction at :37.

    btw- his dance starting at :19 is my signature move. i should sue.

  7. OK, I'm not sure what I'm laughing at more his sagging diaper and your comment or the fact that you're hoping your kid moves better than this kid. Ha ha. I love it!
