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Happy Seis de Mayo!!!

So, yesterday I got a call from Danielle asking if I wanted to join her for dinner with Grant, Priscilla, and Danielle's friend Scott. Luckily, I didn't have any other plans and was actually very interested in going out, so I took her up on her offer.

I met them at Los Agaves in Thousand Oaks in honor of Cinco de Mayo. I ordered the nachos sans meat and a pomegranate margarita. The nachos were okaaaaaaay, nothing to write home about. It may have been because they were so busy and not up to their usual standars. Whatever, they were totally edible, just not the best I've had. The beans were more like bean flavored sauce, the cheese wasn't completely melted, and there wasn't nearly enough sour cream to make me forget about the other two issues. The margarita was a disappointment too. Priscilla tasted my marg and said it tasted just like hers. Her drink was a regular marg. I have a feeling they put a splash of this secret ingredient in there as the pomegranate flavoring. So all in all, I wasn't too impressed with Los Agaves this time around. I'd probably give it 2 out of 5 chins.

However, there was one VERY tasty treat to come out of this visit. Pris shared with us the best app iPhone has ever had the pleasure of being associated with. It's called.... CatPaint. If you've never heard of it, good. You will love me long time for introducing this to you. It does very cool things like this:

Watch out- KAT IN YO' DRINK!!!

aaaaaand this:


aaaaand this:


So that's pretty much the wrap-up of my night. While I have Cinco de Mayo on the brain, I will leave you with a latin inspired video. Thanks to Michael, I've had this song stuck in my head all day.

P.S. I want to be friends with these kids.


  1. Shut up with that cat app! I love it, and I want it!!

  2. Spreading happiness by one kitty in a ridiculous pic at a time. I'd like to give proper thanks to T- Swizzle for tweeting about this fabulous app.

  3. OMG ..that cat is awesome.....I love fat cats...mine are so thin....I also love pomegranate martinis..i will drink some today..!have a great day..!
