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Breaking Bad Party.

Since Eric loves the AMC series Breaking Bad, we decided to have a party and serve a themed menu in honor of the finale episode.

Note: Any time we have anyone over who doesn't actually live in this house, we consider it a party.

Now, I'm not really into this show because I've never actually seen more than five minutes of an episode because the one part that I saw involved Tuco beating the living shit out of that one other dude in the desert and I instantly burst into tears because I felt sorry for the poor dead guy and ran out of the room, screaming "I HATE THIS SHOW!!!!!!" So, as you can tell, I was really into the final outcome.

Staying true to BB, we served the following foods:
  • Table-side guacamole
  • Fried chicken
  • Green beans
  • Mac N Cheese
Now, you die-hard fans may be seeing "Wtf, there was no mac n cheese in BB," to which I say so what, it's good.

This was the first time Eric and I had ever made fried chicken and while we were nervous, we decided to play it cool by only spending the past 48 straight hours preparing for it.

We followed this recipe from bon appetit magazine and were VERY happy with the results: flavorful, moist chicken with a mildly seasoned, deep-fried coating straight from the crunch gods. For reals, that ish was good.

Here's how it went down:

Mise en place

Step one

Step two

Step three

Step four


Green beans (coincidentally from Albertson's, but not really)

Walter White Mac N Cheese

The blue rock candy I mean CrYsTaL MeTh

Acting professional

Biscuit before she tried drugs

Biscuit after dog meth

BB Party

If you like fried chicken, I strongly suggest you try the recipe above. Although it took some time, it was pretty straight forward and definitely worth it. Regardless of which recipe you use, just make sure to cover all of your cooking surfaces with paper towels, otherwise they'll end up greasy like my chin after a long day at work.


I Fell Off the Planet for a Bit, But I'm Back.

This post will be short and sweet (unlike my next post, which will be rife with photos and details of wedded bliss), but I wanted to share with you some exciting news...

This happened!


I will be sure to blog endlessly about it once I get around to narrowing down my photo selections. For now, just know that married life is good.  :)

(For those of you who already knew about this via my Facebook page, apologies: it's not exactly news anymore. But as you can tell, I'M STILL EXCITED!!!)


Googly Eyes From High School Kids.

Last Friday, as traffic was crawling along, I kept ending up next to a car full of high school dudes (shout-out to King's County Unified). They tried their best to get my attention EVERY time we passed each other. Finally, I decided to pull out my video camera to shame them.

And also because they remind me of myself when I was the star of both the yearbook class AND the French club. :::humblebrag:::

I think the balloon-out-the-window-while-giving-an-air-kiss combo means we're now going steady.


Wedding Planning: It Drains the Brain

Do you remember when you were in school and it came down to the night before a big paper was due and were you just barely cracking a book, trying to squeeze a little bit of brain juice out, but all you were getting was some dust and a few tumbleweeds?

Me too.

There have been a million things going on every day and trying to recount the tales is proving to be too much for this tumbleweed.

To give you an idea, I'm getting married soon. Very soon. There have been lots of appointments, and errands, and phone calls, and emails, and lists, and photo shoots (my life is so hard). Some of them more notable than others.

  • I bought a cute fabric accessory to go with my wedding dress (which I can't describe because Eric sometimes reads my blog) and tried to give it a slightly aged effect by tinting it with tea. It turned out brown.

  • I had some alterations done to my dress and they turned out crazy. So one night, when I was home alone, I started "fixing" things myself. 

Fixed it.

  • I bought my wedding shoes because they were A) designer, and B) super cheap. They may, or may not, have been such a steal because they're two slightly different shades of the same color. Whatever. I CAN'T PASS UP A GOOD DEAL, OKAY.

  • I had a hair trial that ended up looking like My Little Pony took a cotton candy turd on my head.

  • I had a makeup trial that looked like Jocelyn Wildenstein, Angelyne, and Hellen Keller got together and had a fight on my face.

And despite all of these trials (and errors) I'm totally not even losing my mind. Instead, I'm just super fucking stoked to be marrying my best friend. I don't care how the day's events pan out, even if I look like a tornado of over-priced insanity, I can't wait to walk down that aisle.