
Been Practicing My Dance Moves for the Wedding.

This star was born to shine.


Logical Libby said...

No one will be able to take their eyes off of you!

Sara McCarty said...

This may be the single greatest video that's ever been made in the history of ever. Just saying. Also, can I PLEASE get an invite to this wedding? I must see these moves in person.

tara said...

Shut up you are amazing!! I love your dance moves! Specifically the piece of the heart move because it's exactly what I would have done.

I made a video awhile back and I'm only posting it here because I think dance videos are hilarious and awesome. p.s. I need a lesson from you: http://vimeo.com/53229300

Adam said...

very nice

Brutalism said...

You are the wind beneath my wings. That was awesome.

Bigger than Average Mom said...

Napoleon Dynamite has nothing on you.

Deborah said...

Adorkable springs to mind!

You will be a hot dancer! (thank you Incubus)

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