
You Will NEVER Guess What Happened This Weekend...

Friday night, Eric and I had plans to see The Shining at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. We had both been looking forward to it as we both LOVE The Shining and an actual showing in a theatre is not something that happens everyday. We left home early and spent time walking around The Grove. For anyone not familiar with the LA area, The Grove is an outdoor shopping mall where celebs are always spotted. In fact, we were walking next to a couple who (apparently) was famous and a TMZ photographer was trying to strike up a conversation with them.

We admired the sights...

And enjoyed the sounds...

We ended up in The Farmer's Market, which is a labyrinth of covered, outdoor food vendors. There were LOTS of places to choose from and it was kind of overwhelming.

We decided to take a break and have a drink at one of the vendor's stalls, 326 Bar. Eric ordered Golden  Monkey, a Belgian ale. I ordered a chardonnay because I felt like being fancy. We struck up a conversation with the female bartender, who had a booming voice and looked like she would be a contestant on Chopped. We were having a great time, hanging out, talking about anything and everything.

And then something amazing and unbelievable happened...


! ! !

And, of course, I said YES.

We hugged and kissed and I asked him a million questions about the whole thing. I was SO surprised and had no idea it was coming, so naturally I wanted to know all of the details. It turns out, he had consulted with two very important people the night before: My mom and Pearl. He got the thumbs up from both and decided to pop the big question while we were out seeing one of our favorite films. He was originally thinking he would ask me in front of a light exhibit at the museum, but we were having such a good time at The Farmer's Market, that the mood struck him and he went for it then and there.

With tears of joy in our eyes (and a swollen red nose from crying), we told our new friend, the bartender, about our new relationship status. It didn't take long before everyone at the bar knew and were clapping for us.

Time flew by and the next thing we knew, we had to book it if we wanted to make it to the film on time. We snapped a couple of photos on our way out to commemorate the moment and made our way to the museum.

We made it with a few minutes to spare. And then we watched The Shining.

And took pictures of the light exhibit on our way home.

And celebrated with Pumpkin Spice and Chocolate Sprinkle cupcakes at 12am.

And that was my weekend.

I am SO happy. My life has been so much fun and so little stress since Eric and I met. If we had decided to stay boyfriend/ girlfriend forever, I would have been totally fine with it because I felt like I had already won: I didn't need to get married to have the best partner. So the fact that he went out of his way to surprise me with this special moment means even more. Plus, he gets mega points for proposing in the middle of a food haven.

Did I mention we're totally engaged???



Veronica M. D. said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...



Jenny said...

That is SO awesome Sasha! Woo hoo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I am so, SO happy for you both! For you all! Between the colon blow and the work crap, you deserve all the happiness you've found.

Love, Lucy said...

adorable. had to sent the link to my friend. shes a sucker for engagement stories so i know shell cry when she reads this!

Mandy_Fish said...


Best wishes and congratulations!

MRanthrope said...

wow, congrats!

But damn you for making it to the Kubrick exhibit before I could.

Damon Peter Rallis said...

That. Is. AWESOME! Congrats!!!

tara said...


That is so awesome, I LOVE your ring!! And hooray that you got the thumbs up from Pearl (and your mom of course).

Congrats again!!! Woohoo!!

Mrs. C said...

This is awesome!! Congratulations!

Erin said...

Congratulations!! This is excellent news. :)

Sara McCarty said...

Congrats! Congrats! CONGRATS!!! That's such awesome news! So happy for you, love!

Coyote Rose said...

AHHHH! Congrats! That sounds like an awesomely epic proposal!

G. B. Miller said...

Don't do it. :D

(This is coming from someone who has been happily married for 23 1/2 years).

Seriously though, CONGRABULATIONS!!!!

Best way that I've heard of so far of getting engaged.

Number Whisperer said...

I think it was the gorgeous flowing hair that cinched it.

I'd marry you too.

Anonymous said...

I love your ring. It is a beauty. The farmer's market/shining/lights are perfectly hip and fancy like the two of you! You and Eric have a good thing going on.

Unknown said...

Yay! Very happy for you! :)

Christy said...


Lorraine said...

This is an absolutely adorable story and I'm happy for you! Congrats!!

(Also, those cupcakes look delish.)

Kara said...


:) :) :) :)

(laughed like a loon at your "Chopped" comment)

Achelois said...

Have had your blog in my reader for a long time.
Congratulations to you both.

Deborah said...

I am so happy for you!

Little Chicken said...


Unknown said...

I love this! Congratulations my dear! xoxox

Twisted Susan said...

Congrats, darling!
I can only vouch for the first 18 years of marriage, after that you're on your own.

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