
Another Surprise. This One Doesn't Involve My Colon.

For those of you who follow along on Facebook or Twitter, you already know about this. For everyone else- there's another surprise I've been keeping from you!

And it has to do with employment!

My employment!

My lack of employment!

. . . . .

Shoot. I ruined the surprise.

Cue the horns, Bob.

I was laid off.

It wasn't because they wanted someone with more colon or anything (Ha. Managed to sneak that in there.), it was purely business. There was simply no more work that required a talented copywriter, such as myself. And therefore, we had to part ways.

I'm super grateful for the experience I was able to gain while working with such funny and creative people. And I'm fucking out-of-my-mind relieved that I was able to get my surgery taken care of while I still had insurance. So we parted on good terms and I wish them all the best.

Enough about them. Let's talk about me.

I'm back on the job market. And I'm eagerly looking for new work.

In case anyone's wondering...


I can do copywriting, blogs, articles, proofing/editing! I can make your boring product sound intriguing! I can write "love you" notes for your kids' lunches! If it involves writing, I can do it!

Disclaimer: If it involves pornographic writing, I won't do it. Sickos.

So if you know of any remote work- or anything in the northern Los Angeles area- let me know! I'd greatly appreciate it. And so would my landlord and bill collectors.


fabulousjunk said...

awww man that sucks :( but hey sometimes its for the best and you do have a great attitude about it. I hope you can move on to bigger and better things


Coyote Rose said...

Awww I'm sorry. That sucks.

Weirdly, I just got let go from my writing job a few weeks ago. Although mine was under very different circumstance.

I'm sure someone will scoop up your awesome, amazing writing talented (although slightly colon-less) ass soon!

Twisted Susan said...

The scariest, worst times of my life ultimately turned out to be some of the best.

Lorraine said...

Enjoy funemployment for whatever time it lasts! Seriously. I mean, yes you need a job and it sucks, but also, don't spend all the time thinking about how much it sucks. Because then you will be employed again (I promise) and thinking, "hey remember that brief period of time I answer to no one?!?

On a more serious note, though, sorry about that. And I hope you find something soon. :)

Logical Libby said...

That sucks. I know you will find something soon though. Maybe you could hire yourself for awards season as an acceptance speech writer.

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