
Jello Mold.

Have you ever seen a jello mold before? I went to a baby shower for a good friend a couple of weeks ago and they had two there. I don't remember seeing a jello mold ever before, but I have to admit, when I saw one of these I was pretty amazed.

So, the first one seemed like a jazzed up, but still fairly standard version. It involved some kind of milk product (possibly condensed), which is what turned it white.

Since I LOVE condensed milk, I went for it.

The flavor was very mild and subtle and the texture was no different than normal jello. It was tasty and I liked it.

The other jello mold was the fanciest floral masterpiece I think I'll probably ever see created out of gelatin.

I was sure there was an artificial flower set into the middle. But when I saw someone easily slice all the way through the middle of it, I couldn't believe my eyes.

overhead shot

The entire piece was jello.

I have no idea how this voodoo magic was created, but I was impressed to say the least.

Do you know how to make these? If so, please share!



Mandy_Fish said...

Of course you got me curious, so I googled it and ended up watching videos of people making these things. They use a syringe and inject the colored jello petals into a solid clear jello mold that's already been made. Who thought of this?

Here's one such video:


ChristinaC said...

Yay, my shower made your blog! I never had either one before but I did find out the one with the flowers had brandy in it! Who sends a dessert full of liquor to a baby shower!?! Oh my mother-in-law does!

Lorraine said...

This is amazing, though I'm sure if I attempted it, my molds would end up looking like colorful poo.

Also, brandy in jello sounds like the best idea ever.

Simone said...

now i just want to each a bunch of pretty jello.

Sara Louise said...

The first one reminds me of Haribo gummies that I'm addicted to. I have to try and make one of those!

Logical Libby said...

I live in Utah, the capitol of all things Jello, and I have NEVER seen anything that impressive. Really, I am in awe. I wonder how it tasted...

TILTE said...

MANDY - Someone at the party mentioned a syringe being involved in the making of it, but I thought there HAD to be a better way to do this. I think you've just proved me wrong.

CHRISTINA - What?!? There was brandy in it?? Was it cooked off or totally 100%??

LORRAINE - Yes, mine too. In fact, I I'm pretty sure I don't have the patience to even try this. So I'll leave the syringe work to the pros.

SIMONE - I know, isn't it cool? I actually didn't try any of the flower one because it was too fancy to eat.

SARA - You're the not the first person I've heard of who's addicted to Haribo gummies. Unfortunately, I've never been into the gummies. That addiction is not something I'm familiar with.

LIBBY - Ha! Are jello molds big in Utah?? I had no idea.

Twisted Susan said...

One must travel back to the '70s to make Jello. Is that where you were?

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