
This is What I Do at Work.

My coworker Jessica picked this little guy up at Ralph's the other day on her lunchbreak.

A helium tank and a pretend "Jaws" attack later, we mastered the art of swimming through the office.

My coworker Melissa calls him Bitey. I call him Sharkface Killa.

Did I mention we also sometimes use the T-Pain app to autotune ourselves when we're reading boring-ass shit for projects?

A flying shark, a T-Pain app, and a cabinet full of booze...

I love my job.


Shockgrubz said...

Hahaha, those are so cool. Mr. Bitey was a cat. I'm sure he wouldn't last a second in the ring with this one.

Anonymous said...

Ahh...Air Swimmers. I just wrote a short piece on the company for one of my magazines. They're coming out with a bass in the next couple of months, so get ready for that excitement!

the Tsaritsa said...

Your office sounds amazing!! I've never seen one of those "air swimmers" before, but I'm very impressed. Sharkface Killah!!! OF COURSE you should call him that :)

The Sweetest said...

We saw some guy coming out of Vons with that same shark and Hayden was all, "That guy is holding a shark! I think it's dead!"

Logical Libby said...

I work for Mormons. That would never happen in my office.

Sara Louise said...


Damon Peter Rallis said...

damn it... I want a closet full of booze at MY job!

MRanthrope said...

Sharkface Killah aint nothing to fuck wit.

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