

My coworkers think Amir and I could be brother and sister.

This is me.

This is Amir.

At least he's funny.


Chrystal said...

That is your long lost brother.

the Tsaritsa said...

Welll.. you're both cute and funny and wear glasses.

The Sweetest said...

He is cute and funny (like you!), and so is his little friend, hello!. I can see why people think you look alike, but not so much that you look related.

Crack You Whip said...

I have to admit, I do see a resemblance.

Both cute!

Erin said...

You could at least be cousins! There's definitely a resemblance. And that video was totes hilars. I'm stealing "bouletard."

Sara Louise said...


Damon Peter Rallis said...

WOW! Uncanny.

Unknown said...

And you both share a love of hoodies. I think you need to start campaigning now to do a video with them.

Simone said...

that co-worker is a "frames racist" and thinks all people with dark frames look the same.

MRanthrope said...

wow, what has been seen cannot be unseen!

from now on this blog should be titled:


Shockgrubz said...

"Bouletard". I laughed, so maybe I was wrong in thinking he wasn't funny. And you could pass for his sis.

neatfit said...

Jake and Amir is a really old and great show, I've been watching them since their first episode :) Oooooh 2007..

Megs said...

I think it's mostly that you are wearing the same glasses. Which I love by the way.

Number Whisperer said...

It wouldn't surprise me to find out we have another brother.

Check out my site and claim your prestigious award. :)

Sarah said...

You could be sibs. I see it. People used to tell me that my husband and I looked like brother and sister. Perverts.

I linked to you on my blog today. Check it out!

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