
A Halloween Post. And Yes, I Know I'm a Week Late.

Last year, Halloween ended up being a bust because I wound up with a migraine ON Halloween night. And when I finally came out of my Excedrin-induced coma, I was pissed that all my hard work had gone to waste.

I was Gallagher.

This year, I recycled one of my old costumes (I have PLENTY.) and dressed up for work. Here are some highlights from the office.

Neo from The Matrix

A kitty playing with a ball

A scary grim reaper

Yours truly as Pippi Longstocking

And my favorite: Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. (This guy gets major cred because he actually grew his moustache for a month preparing for this costume. Well played...)

Since Boyfriend and I weren't going to have Pearl on Halloween night, we took advantage of a local pre-Halloween event and got all dressed up the Saturday before. There was a costume contest (that Pearl would have killed in, but she was too scared) and lots of downtown shops were giving away candy so kids could trick-or-treat safely during the daytime.

Here are my top three faves from the day...

#3: Old school scaryass clown

#2: CATS the broadway musical

#1: Albert Einstein

Pearl's makeup was inspired by this tutorial. Her dress was a $30 steal from Home Goods. In my head, I'm going to say she was Claudia from Interview with a Vampire. In Pearl's words, I think she was actually something like Zombie Vampire Dead-Girl Doll-Princess.


Step 1: Powder face...

Step 2: Create "sad eyes" (and I don't mean "Sad Eyes" the homegirl from down the street)...

Step 3: Draw some wicked cool eyebrows (like "Sad Eyes" from down the street)...

Step 4: Add some contouring and lipstick...

And voila. Your Claudia from Interview with a Vampire Zombie Vampire Dead-Girl Doll-Princess look is complete.

I love that she's not all girly-girl'd out. Also, Biscuit's trying to go in for a smooch. She's a lover, not a fighter.

Speaking of Biscuit...

This bitch loves Halloween.

And lastly, we'll end on a "normal family" note. We went to the pumpkin patch.

I'm still large and in charge. Diets are for suckers.

How was your Halloween??


Simone said...

sweet. i sat on the couch and watched tv.

Marie a la Mode said...

LOL I LOVE your costumes! And Pearl's makeup : )

suki said...

your pippi costume is awesome! :) i'm all about recycling costumes when i can! we ended up leaving town for that weekend.

Erin said...

You were an adorable Pippi! And Pearl is tres cute. I didn't do jack shit. :)

the Tsaritsa said...

I totally love the Gallagher look! So original-- all you need is a sledgehammer and a watermelon.

Pearl as the scary-dead-doll is awesome. I loved the darker costumes when I was a kid, too.

Nikosmommy said...

love that your office dresses up!
Even a child old-school scaryass clown is freaky. I. Hate. Clowns.

Lorraine said...

I love your Pipi costume! LOVE. And you did an awesome job with Pearl's make-up. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm doing next year's Halloween at YOUR house!

Unknown said...

Pearl is so cute she was even adorable as the dead zombie doll thingy. What's w/ the zombies? My son wanted to be a zombie werewolf. I didn't even know where to begin with that one.

Kara said...

All those costumes are so great!! Your makeup skills are wicked excellent.

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