
Old Fashioned Soft Pumpkin Cookies

Thanks to spending 48 hours straight- sans shower, wrapped up in blankets ala mental patient style- watching The Food Network this past weekend, I decided to test out the ol' Midas touch in the kitchen.

In my experience in the cooking/ baking department, I've noticed that pretty much every recipe ever invented was designed to make me look like an asshole. So instead of jumping straight into one those professional grade deals, I went with a recipe a friend of mine had previously tested and had no problems with. I figured, if a normal (non-chef) person was able to make them without a hitch, then my chances were already greatly improved by at least 3%.

So basically, the recipe for Old Fashioned Soft Pumpkin Cookies goes something like this:

Get your shit together.

In one bowl, mix powders.

In another bowl, cream butter and sugar. (This tends to be where I have a problem completing the recipe because butter/ sugar happens to be one of my favorite meals.)

Add all the leftover shit.

Throw the two bowls together.

Make some balls.

While they're burning baking, sift the powdered sugar.

Make some icing.

And voila. Dinner is served.

If you're anything like me (lucky you), you will have no problem resisting the desire to lick the bowl clean because the smell of raw pumpkin is pretty offputting. However, once the cookies are complete, there's almost no pumpkin taste. They actually taste a lot closer to spice cake- moist, cakey texture and very mild flavor. :::drool:::

This recipe is SUPER fucking easy and perfect for Thanksgiving. Make it and then tell all your friends/ family how cool I am.

(PS: Shout out to Jenna for the recipe- Holla.)


Twisted Susan said...

Cool's got nothin' on you, sista.

Junket said...

T'wait a minute. You made my weakness and did NOT bring me any? Don't worry. You can bring some to me when we are having heart attacks at brunch AS SOON AS I GET BACK!

Bigger than Average Mom said...

you should try Mississip Mud Cookies. They are no bake. can't go wrong with them.

Jenna said...

Holla!! I'm famous! Thanks for the shoutout! Weren't they delicious?!?

Deborah said...

I love all things pumpkin and will be making these for my hubbins.

Little Chicken said...

I dunno... pumpkin activity gets my stomach a-dancin. I love pumpkin. In case that previous metaphor made no sense.

I'm definitely going to have to try these.

LaceyRee said...

mouth is watering...

and I love the first step "get your shit together" hahaha

Jess said...

Looks delish!

Sara Louise said...

I want to spend a weekend wrapped in a blanket watching the Food Network.TV here sucks.
(your cookies look scrumptious by the way)

Anonymous said...

Totally making these for Thanksgiving.

Thank you for making my life a little easier.

RN Mama said...

Wow, those look delicious! Too bad my effing oven is broken:(

P.S. What's up with the Lactaid?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for yet another delicious pumpkin recipe to add to my arsenal of kick-ass pumpkin recipes. I'm sure I'll put my pumpkin pie squares on my blog at some point this holiday season as well. Mmmm. Pumpkin.

TILTE said...

has anyone else tried these yet??? i swear, they're super easy and totally worth it.

RN- i have major belly issues. just add dairy-induced explosive asshole to the list.

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