Liz as...
...Frida Kahlo.
Attack of the Killer Hot Dog. (Hide yo kids- Hide yo wife.)
The cutest little gnome that makes me aaaaalmost reconsider eating gnomes.
Vampire Cinderella- She will fuck you up. While wearing glass slippers.

And lastly, the SunMaid Raisin girl (I totes stole this off a friend's Facebook page because I just love it- Holla atcha girl, Marika).

Sooooo, guess who was sick on the most raddest of rad days. I'll give you one guess.
-It was me.
After all that hype about how much I fucking LoOoOoOve Halloween and how I was SooOoOoOo looking forward to it and how I'd already staked out the not one- but TWOoOoOo locations I was planning on going to, I got a migraine. It rendured me suicidal and although I managed to get pix in my blessed costume, I ended up crawling straight into bed and falling asleep in it.
. . . .
So here you have it, friends. TILTE as...
I know, I look a little like Super Mario. I'm okay with that.
Hope you all had a great Halloween.
And by "you all", I mean my friends that sent me pictures.
Did you see the pic of the dog dressed up as Antione Dawson? Your "Hide yo kids, hide your wife" reference made me think of it... Here's the link
All awesome! Love the vampire cinderella, lol and the gnome.
Oh gazooks! Now I remember that you said Gallagher was your costume. Turned out pretty fricken good!
Did I mention that the year I dressed up as Frida, that everybody at work thought I was some random Mexican, but that night a middle schoolers was the only one that recognized the brilliance that I was? Pathetic.
Awesome costumes.
I really, really like the Sun Maid Raisin girl one, for some reason.
AWESUM. I LOVED Gallagher when I was a kid, always wanted to see him live. Love blowing shit up.
I totes meant to send you a pic of me as Madonna in the 80's. I can send it as a late entry, or you can just continue to hate me for not partaking in your picturepalooza.
LOVE the Gallagher. That sucks you were sick, girl. I also want to put that adorable Gnome in mah garden. So much cuteness there!
love it! you are so creative!
now I'm singing "hide ya kids, hide ya wife" :D
awesome costume, my friend! I was going to send a pic of mine, but I didn't take my camera and I'm waiting on people to send me copies... please don't hate me!!!!! :)
Gallagher! Girl u so crazy! Turned out fabulous.
Love the Frida Kahlo and Sunmaid raisin costumes! ....and I too have hide ya kids, hide ya wife in my head....
Love, love, love your costume! Sorry to hear you were sick.
You're rocking that stache!
And that is the cutest gnome I've ever seen. Ever.
Who knew you could rock the mustache?
Very nice my friend.
BAH! loved these shots! they made me laugh!!!
I have to admit, I thought you were Mario. You make a super hot Mario though!!
P.S. I will have nightmares about that cinderella!
Awww, I totally have the visual of your curling up in your cute costume, clutching your temples.
Gotta give it up for the Vampire Cinderella, she's nasty!...but in a good way!
great costume idea!!! hahaha.. so creative! I wish I had dressed up this year, but if I did I would definitly be a gnome. I've always loved gnomes. Lord knows we have enough sexy cops, nurses and sailors out there...
MRS C- that Antoine Dodson dog looks more like Antoine, than Antoine himself.
thanks for the comments on my badass gallagher costume. -and for the compliments on those cute bebbies- gnome and vampire cinderella.
(note to self: those brats are too cute to be featured in my blog again. i'm the only one who gets compliments around here.)
Ahhhh, I totally love your costume! Is it weird that I used to love Gallagher shows. I blame my parents. The kids are super cute too! And Frieda is awesome.
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