Yesterday at lunch I was having some trouble deciding what I could shove down my gullet that wouldn't make me sick. Just a little background info- I have a bad stomach. All the time. With the exception of my rock solid abs (lies.), I wouldn't even know what a normal stomach feels like. And lately, finding meals that sound good and don't add to my misery has been quite a feat.
After receiving some facebook suggestions for nachos, chorizo, and anything-but-cup-o-noodles (thanks Alicia, Julia, and Nycole) I ended up going with a local place that I'd been to once before with my sister, Catch 21. I wanted to stear clear of anything too heavy or dairy based, so I ordered the BBQ Chicken Breast. Thank the heavens above, it was GOOD. It was actually just what I needed and only $7.99.
The BBQ chicken breast came on a sultry bed of rice with steamed vegetables on the side. I had the option to go with cole slaw or french fries, but since slaw grosses me out and I'm *trying* be healthy, I went with the veg. Everything about this meal was right on target and I would give it 4 out 5 chins. It gets 4 and not 5 because although it was very good, I wasn't dreaming about it all night long.
Today's lunch was tres fancypants because it was at the Four Seasons.(This is the actual room where we ate... like on fancy recliners and chit.)
I like to pretend we went here because I'm super rich and famous, but it's really just because my boss treated. But enough about him. On what seemed like a surprisingly small menu (maybe rich people don't like to have many options...?) there were only a few items that sounded appetizing. I went with the frittata. According to the Four Seasons menu the frittata goes something like this: "Cast-iron vegetable frittata, choice of eggs or egg whites, organic feta cheese, golden tomato coulis". Without having google nearby, I wasn't really sure what a tomato coulis was supposed to be. Well, it kinda tasted like ketchup. Only fancier. The menu description failed to mention the frittata is also topped with avocado. Delicious in any language. At first, the vegetables in the frittata tasted a little foreign, but that could be because my mouth/ stomach was like "wtf is this??". But after a while, my tastebudz adjusted and it was really very good. The eggs were fluffy and moist, there was a nice variety of veg, and the avocado was the perfect Omega-9 addition. Most importantly, it didn't leave me feeling weighed down or with a stomach ache.Since Boss Hog was footing the bill, I also ordered a strawberry smoothie. (Loooove me a good smoothie...) I was very happy with my decision because it was very delicious. Better than the coulis, in fact. I don't remember exactly what was in it... I think it was strawberry, banana, mango, and some protein booshet. I dunno, but it was exactly what I was looking for.
This was my view. I told you it was fancy.
Yeah, I would have to give the old Four Seasons 5 out of 5 chins. The food quality was great and the service was like ridiculously outstanding.
In other blog-related news...
My friend Chrystal just started her own blog! It's all about the music she has playing in her head when she wakes up each morning and the memories they relate to. Check it out here! It's her first blog, so make sure to tell all your friends about it. (Hey wait... this is my first blog too... tell all your friends about my blog first, then hers.)
And lastly, tonight will be an event to top all other momentous events. I will be hanging out with fellow blogger and bbff (Blogger Best Friend FoReVeR!), Junks at Junket Juice. Feel free to stalk her here. This is seriously earth-shattering, mind-blowing, diary-logging news here and I'm sure all of you will be on the edge of your seats till my next entry. Fingers crossed she finds me as hilarious and adorable in real life as I do.
In related news, if I go missing, you know where to look.
This blog makes me hungry. How am i supposed to lose this last 5 pounds (HA! like that's every gonna happen) when you make me want nachos and chicken!
sorry, rose. this blog (and my life) is the anti-diet. but if you need some lols and hate-spitting sessions, you've come to the right place.
Oh my cup o noodles will taste especially fan-freaking-tastic today thanks!:-) Have you ever tried taking probiotics for your angry stomach? I have a crap ass stomach that has been whipped backed into place thanks to probiotics and papaya enzymes after MONTHS of dr appts. & their lack of answers for the pain.
no, but you're not the first person to suggest that. i mean, i've tried upping my danimals intake but i don't think that really counts.
i think it might be worth my while to look into the heavy artillary probiotics. and papaya enzymes... hm, i might try that too. thanks, julia!!!
"like ketchup. Only fancier."
I love it.
If "I" go missing, I'd like someone to write a post about my bravery. Please send it to Matt Dillon. He gets to play my love interest in the movie.
the tomatoes were probably handpicked from the finest italian farms by underage sicilians peasants. that's how fancy i'm talkin.
junks- i would like to be played by naomi campbell. she's really got the gusto needed for a character like me. plus, people always tell me i look like her.
Oh my love those pics!! I'm so hungry right now!! lol
Btw your blog is great! Just became a follower!
Mine is
Hope you like it and share the love by following me too! ;)
The BBQ chicken looks delish, but seriously, why is it in a styrofoam container?!
You went to the Four Seasons? Holy Fancy Pants!! The Frittata thingamajig does look good, but I'm not really an egg person. Sign me up for a smoothie though! have a very nice boss...yeah what is it with those rich menus..they have like 2 choices...Lololol...!..i guess that would be an indicator of quality..I mean look at has like 100 itmes....hahah...Wow it all looks great...delish....!
That tri-tip looks grossly overcooked. Send it back.
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